The desert is often a place people consider moving closer to when they suffer from allergies. The reasoning is there are fewer pollen-releasing plants, meaning less likelihood of allergies, such as hay fever causing problems. The problem is, for many residents in Phoenix, the opposite is actually true.
Hay fever is typically caused by an allergy to pollens or mold. Symptoms include fits of sneezing, a runny or itching nose, watery eyes or nasal congestion. Contrary to popular belief, not all hay fever sufferers are allergic to the same pollen. In fact, your symptoms may not stem from pollen or mold at all.
Pollen Allergies
Considering there several native species of ragweed in Phoenix alone, the chances of allergy sufferers experiencing frequent symptoms are quite high. The frequency is because ragweed is a type of perennial weed. If you moved to Phoenix to escape your allergies and ragweed pollen is the underlying cause, don’t expect symptoms to clear up any time soon.
It is also important to take into account that areas like Phoenix are home to a large number of other native and non-native species of plants and weeds that can cause allergies. It is, therefore, worth determining the exact cause of your allergies before moving to a new area.
Dust Allergies
Dust is everywhere in the Valley, and that represents a year-round problem for many allergy sufferers. Once spring rolls around, there is an even greater amount of dust, but you will also have to contend with more pollen. Again, the best approach to dealing with allergies where you live is to determine the cause of your reaction and to receive effective treatment.
To learn more about allergies in Arizona or for an allergy treatment consultation, reach out to the offices of Estrella ENT today.
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